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Kathmandu recent comments:

  • NIMBUS HUMAN RESOURCE PVT. LTD., rate (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    sale ghasg haru ho kam chaina
  • bhuwan ko ghar, gorkhaexim (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Bhuwan Subedi's House
  • The Rising Traders, Sunil (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    lots of variety of gps device i found here and customer support and service is good.
  • Dewy Dawn High School, Mahabir Prajapati (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Hello to every one from Dewy Dawn English high School.
  • mr sanju, sanju koirala (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    i m a member of bhandari gaun if you do wanna come to my village you should ask me
  • Prakash Phuyal House, prakash phuyal (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    plase join me.
  • Serene Valley School, kareena (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    hi you are very far from me i am missing svs a lot
  • Hadigaun, karun (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    kai nabhako jatra hadigaun ma
  • Narayan Hity Royal palace, Resham (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    King systerm was better than present situation.
  • TRILOK PLAZA, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Dear Nature and Culture lovers, Namaste from Mission Eco Trek family. Mission Eco Trek adds a completely different taste in trekking paradise in Nepal. We have very clear Mission and Vision. Our Mission: - Mission Eco Trek responsible travel to nature areas that conserves the environment, and improves the well being of local people by….. * creating an international network of individuals, institutions and the tourism industry. * educating tourists and tourism professionals * influencing the tourism industry, public institutions and donors to integrate the principle of eco and green tourism into their operations and polices. Our vision: - As Nepal's first Mission Eco trekking company, Mission Eco Trek seeks to be the international source of knowledge and advocacy uniting communities, conservations and sustainable travel. Our distinctive style of travel offers something different to your ordinary holidays. We have deep knowledge and expertise about Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan to share with you. Staying true to our Mantra of "Fun, Freedom and Flexibility". You never know what you will find around the corner. We invite you welcoming the unexpected and creating the unimaginable holiday. That's what Mission Eco Trek is all about. So please, break the long time thrill into reality to explore the beauty of the snow capped mountains, the extraordinary flora and fauna and fascinating ethnical culture diverse. Mission Eco Trek, our whole teams are ready here in Nepal for your warmed welcome and service. Sincerely, Mission Eco Trek Family
  • global link service, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    私たちスタッフは、ネパールの美しい大自然を心から愛し、大変誇りに思っております。そして、より多くの人々にこの大自然を訪れていただき、ツアーやトレッキングを楽しんでいただきたいと思っております。山に登ると人はよく、「ヤッホー!」と大きな声で呼びかけます。するとおもしろいことに、向こうのほうから先ほどの自分の声が、「ヤッホー!」とエコーが返ってきます。私たちはこのエコーが大好きです。日本ではこのエコーを「こだま」と呼ぶそうですね。そこで、お客様の呼びかけとご希望にすばやく適切に対応することを第一と考え、社名を「こだま」といたしました。お客様の年齢、体力、日数、ご予算などのニーズに対応し、ご満足いただけるよう最大限努力いたします。どうぞ、お気軽にお問い合わせください。また、私たちスタッフは、ツアーやトレッキングで豊富な経験を持っております。その経験を生かし、お客様の健康や安全に十分に配慮し、素晴らしい旅へお誘いしたいと考えております。  こだまツアーは、ネパールの首都カトマンズの旅行者が多く集まるタメル地区にある、とてもフレンドリーな会社です。長年の経験と豊かな知識を持つ4人のツアーリーダーを中心にしたグループが、観光における専門的技術を十分に活かした仕事をしています。 当社は内容の充実した優れた旅行を、どこよりもお安く提供しています。これまでネパールにおいて、主にトレッキングや登山を中心にした仕事に取り組んできましたが、これからはハイキング、世界遺産観光ツアー、ジャングルサファリツアーなど、いろいろな取り組みを行なっていきます。スタッフ一同は、地域や環境に関する高度な知識と技術を確立しており、そして、いつもフレンドリーな雰囲気で皆様に接し、ネパールのご旅行を安全に導いて、お客様にとってかけがえのない思い出となるよう努めさせていただきます。
  • global link service, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Dear Nature and Culture lovers, Namaste from Mission Eco Trek family. Mission Eco Trek adds a completely different taste in trekking paradise in Nepal. We have very clear Mission and Vision. Our Mission: - Mission Eco Trek responsible travel to nature areas that conserves the environment, and improves the well being of local people by….. * creating an international network of individuals, institutions and the tourism industry. * educating tourists and tourism professionals * influencing the tourism industry, public institutions and donors to integrate the principle of eco and green tourism into their operations and polices. Our vision: - As Nepal's first Mission Eco trekking company, Mission Eco Trek seeks to be the international source of knowledge and advocacy uniting communities, conservations and sustainable travel. Our distinctive style of travel offers something different to your ordinary holidays. We have deep knowledge and expertise about Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan to share with you. Staying true to our Mantra of "Fun, Freedom and Flexibility". You never know what you will find around the corner. We invite you welcoming the unexpected and creating the unimaginable holiday. That's what Mission Eco Trek is all about. So please, break the long time thrill into reality to explore the beauty of the snow capped mountains, the extraordinary flora and fauna and fascinating ethnical culture diverse. Mission Eco Trek, our whole teams are ready here in Nepal for your warmed welcome and service. Sincerely, Mission Eco Trek Family
  • NIMBUS HUMAN RESOURCE PVT. LTD., (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
  • NIMBUS HUMAN RESOURCE PVT. LTD., (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
  • Sambotta H S School, chhering lama (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    write the phone number of the school plz.
  • Amrit Malla Thakuri Nepal Budhanilkantha, thakuriamrit wrote 15 years ago:
    thank you for my home address wikimapia
  • Amrit Malla Thakuri Nepal Budhanilkantha, amrit.thakuri (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    My home is located to northen side of kathmandu valley and it on the lap of shivapuri national park and this place also famous for water resources and various wild animalsi and butterfly.
  • binod's town, binod (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    hi it;s great........?
  • Kumari nagar, Rajani Shrestha (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    It consists of my childhood school "Mahan Siddhartha School, established in 2050 B.S.
  • Compro International Office Building, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Wow Great!!!!!! well known organisation for qualified IT accessories....